Corporate Governance

We are committed to conducting our business with honesty, integrity and respect. Corporate governance affects the way we direct our company and the relationship we have with our stakeholders. We believe that the highest standards of corporate governance are essential to our business integrity and performance. We have adopted a number of policies and procedures to support solid corporate governance in every area of our operations.

Corporate Governance Guidelines

Adopted by our Board of Directors (the Board), our Corporate Governance Guidelines serve as a framework for Board governance over the affairs of the Corporation for the benefit of its shareholders.

  • Corporate Governance Guidelines
  • Code of Conduct
  • Code of Ethics for Chief Executive and Senior Financial Officers
  • Business Partner Code of Conduct
  • Audit Committee Charter
  • Compensation Committee Charter
  • Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee Charter
  • Corporate Governance Guidelines

    Adopted by our Board of Directors (the Board) serve as a framework for Board governance over the affairs of the Corporation for the benefit of its shareholders.

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  • Code of Conduct

    Provides guidance for all directors, officers and employees on various legal and regulatory requirements and business practices applicable to business activities conducted on behalf of the company.


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  • Code of Ethics for Chief Executive and Senior Financial Officers

    Adopted specifically for our Chief Executive Officer and senior financial officers and the chief executive officer and senior financial officers of each subsidiary.


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  • Business Partner Code of Conduct

    Provides guidance on how we treat our Business Partners and our expectations on how our Business Partners should operate when doing business with us.


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  • Audit Committee Charter

    Outlines the Audit Committee's responsibilities with respect to assisting the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities relating to the accounting and financial reporting process and the audit of the Corporation's financial statements.


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  • Compensation Committee Charter

    Outlines the Compensation Committee's responsibilities with respect to assisting the Board in discharging its responsibilities relating to (1) compensation of the Corporation's executives, (2) administering the Corporation's equity incentive plans (other than any such plan applicable only to nonemployee directors) and (3) producing an annual report on executive compensation for inclusion in the Corporation's proxy statement.


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  • Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee Charter

    Sets forth the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee’s responsibilities to (1) identify and recommend individuals qualified to become Board members; (2) oversee the evaluation of the Board; and (3) review from time to time the Corporate Governance Guidelines applicable to the Corporation and recommend to the Board any changes it may deem appropriate.

    These policies and guidelines apply to Liberty Latin America and to all other companies in which Liberty Latin America directly or indirectly owns and has the right to vote shares or other interests representing more than 50% of the voting power of such companies (the "Controlled Companies") with respect to the election of directors or similar officials, and to all directors, officers and employees of each, subject to certain exceptions.

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